
Switch & Autosave

Switch & Autosave is Ratio’s latest piece of software and another world first. The idea is that when a consumer makes an application for a personal finance product, Switch & Autosave periodically goes back to the market to check for better deals. This means that consumers can always be sure that they’ve got the best possible deal available to them and they never pay more than they absolutely have to.



For our customers, borrowing is a part of their everyday financial lives. Whether it means living in their bank overdraft, making minimum repayments on outstanding credit card bills, or juggling several personal loans at once. While this is nothing to be ashamed of, consumers in these circumstances need to manage borrowing like this carefully. If not, it could leave them in a progressively worse and worse financial position. We believe that all consumers should always have access to the best possible financial products.


Switch & Autosave periodically scours the market for deals and consumers are notified when we find them a better deal. It’s free to the consumer, they’re in control of taking any deal they’re offered and it has no impact on their credit score.



Switch & Autosave gives consumers the ability to make sure that they’re never paying more than they absolutely need to. This has resulted in:

  • Over 100% increase in engagement from traditional communication channels.
  • 1.4m customers contacted with an opportunity to switch product since Jan 19.
  • 55% gross profit margin on all communications sent since Jan 19.



This Workspace 18 Albert Road Bournemouth BH1 1BZ

Call: +44 1202 232 705
Email: [email protected]

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